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May 27, 2008


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Deborah Bourque

I know this comment is a bit late in regards to your post, but have you heard of LuLu? They seem to help a lot of independent artists, I have ordered books and downloads from them. Have you heard of the Crochet Dude? A lot of his stuff is on Lulu if you have a chance to check him or them out, I'd recommend it.


Thanks so much Deborah! My friend KnittyCat http://knittycat.vox.com/ also suggested LuLu. It looks like a really interesting publishing site. Believe it or not, I've already had about 300 requests for patterns so I may have enough interest for a traditional publisher to take us on, but if not, I'll definitely give Lulu a go. Thanks again Deborah! Take care. Kara

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