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March 26, 2012


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Looks great Kara! I can't wait to see it with my own eyes!


I can't wait to show it to you Claudine! But maybe we should wait until we haul away the 27 contractor bags full of broken glass and dirt (from the garden) that are currently situated in the middle of the living room.


I like looking at the before and after photos. Great job!


Thanks Dee! I'll keep those before and after photos coming. Take care!! Kara

Marry Digg

The aquarium just did everything right! It put justice in your apartment. Great job!


Thanks Mary! We've had this fish tank for over 10 years. We talked briefly about shutting it down before we moved - because it's such a pain in the butt to move - but we couldn't imagine life without our fish!! It turned out that the move went smoothly. It took about 10 hours and took a separate moving truck, but we got it done.

Brendan Amorose

I much prefer starting with a blank, or relatively blank, canvas when redecorating a home, to be honest! I think your first few makeover tasks went great! I love the new color of the walls in the hallway, dining, and living rooms. The cabinets that your husband and his friend made are a huge improvement on the previous ones. And I love that fish tank! It looks amazing! Have you posted pictures of the entire apartment after you were done? I’d love to see what it looks like now! Congratulations on your move to the new apartment!

Ofelia Bertrand

Ooh… It really looked like every room in the house was a mess before you moved in. Well, it doesn’t matter now since your house looks really beautiful. And the fish tank? All I can say is “WOW!”. I also love the closets. Do you have a lot of things to keep? It seems that your space is large enough for your stuff! :) Nice!

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